You know those days where it seems like NOTHING goes right? Well, today is that day for me.
#1. It's absolutely freezing in my apartment. Radiators are on. Well, then I realized that the window is open. So, I got to close it, and guess what? It won't close.
#2. I tried a few projects today. All of which are so embarrassing and terrible, I even refuse to post them.
#3. I have an appointment to take the car in today at 3. It was originally going to be yesterday, but we got it changed because my husband likes to make appointments for me to do stuff without checking with me to see if it's alright. So, he got it switched to 1:30 today. Then, he learns that he has a meeting that he must attend from 1-2, so he has to take his lunch from 2-3 and then I have to bring the car in at 3. Do you know what it's like being a girl and going to a car dealership? They will charge me for all kinds of crap I don't need, and of course I don't even know why I'm bringing the car in in the first place. And secondly, I had plans today, that included me running errands, and of course now I can't even do that because I won't even have time between bringing the car in and then going to pick up Seth from work.
#4. In the process of cleaning today, I found this necklace. Quick story: My husband is pretty much the worst person EVER at buying presents. So, he buys me a necklace for Valentine's Day. I'm not sure why, because I have a necklace that I wear every day and don't take off. Plus, I'm not good with fake metals, and of course this is a fake metal. Plus, it's ugly, plain and simple. It's something that I would never pick out for myself, and it's huge and pretty gaudy. After being with my husband for a few years, I've talked to him about his gift giving. I feel that honesty is the best policy, so I just told him about how I feel with it. So, when he gave me this necklace, he explained that it's not exactly what he was expecting, because he was expecting it to be smaller, but he still liked it. Well, I don't. lol. So, after talking about it, he emails the people on Etsy that he got it from. Of course, he can't get a refund, but it can be exchanged.
It's been well over a month and I have yet to exchange it. Why, you might ask? Well, because the whole store is filled with weird gothic stuff that I don't like. So, I have had this necklace sitting in it's original box, packed away in a padded envelope ready to go back to the maker A.S.A.P.
Finding the necklace while cleaning is just a reminder of wasted money.
#5. I'm just frustrated. I don't know what else I can make for my Etsy store. I feel like I've really just hit a wall.
I hope that this day somehow gets a little better...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Little Bigfoot
I have hit a creative road block. I'm not sure what to make right now for my shop. My husband insists I can make more laptop sleeves and sell them. I think I might try that, but would I have to custom make everyone of them?

Also, if you get bored, give yourself a good laugh and read this article. I just loved it. :)
I've also been trying to put off finishing Seth's Easter present. It's just a tiny little thing, but for some reason, I'm having a hard time. And seriously, I have MAYBE 2 more parts to do of it! I've decided that today I'm going to stop slacking off.
So, last night, I decided to make a little bigfoot. I finished him up this morning. I think he's pretty cute. :)

Also, if you get bored, give yourself a good laugh and read this article. I just loved it. :)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
This must be a quick post! I have way too much to do today, and I swear, I'm really going to do it. lol
I woke up early this morning, knowing I have lots to do. I have a laptop sleeve to make, which I'm really hoping I can get done today. I have to go to the post office this afternoon, so I figured I could send that too. I have to go to the post office to send out another swap package, and then off to somewhere to get a card and a gift card for a new baby. And while all of this is going on, I'm just hoping and praying that my packages reach their destinations today.
And, I posted 3 little yetis on my Etsy shop this morning. So go get 'em while they're hot!!
I woke up early this morning, knowing I have lots to do. I have a laptop sleeve to make, which I'm really hoping I can get done today. I have to go to the post office this afternoon, so I figured I could send that too. I have to go to the post office to send out another swap package, and then off to somewhere to get a card and a gift card for a new baby. And while all of this is going on, I'm just hoping and praying that my packages reach their destinations today.
And, I posted 3 little yetis on my Etsy shop this morning. So go get 'em while they're hot!!

Monday, March 29, 2010
Late nights aren't good...wait, it's only 10:30?!
So, I've finished my assembly line of yetis that I've had. I had them sitting out all day, and I only worked on them every once in a while. I have some other things to work on this week, but they shouldn't take very long. I love being unemployed.
So, I thought I would post on here to see if I could get any new suggestions. First, is there anything that I've posted on here that you think would sell on Etsy? I'm looking to make more stuff for my shop, but I'm just not quite sure what to do. Any suggestions would be great!
Also, if there's anything that you would like to see me make, let me know! I'm always up for a challenge. Any new ideas of something I could either crochet or sew? Is there a Cryptid that I haven't crocheted yet that I need to? I will be working on more Jackalopes. I even bought a wooden plaque so I could actually make a mounted one as well. But I would like to do something small, something that can be done quickly. I'm afraid that the bigger things wouldn't sell on Etsy because I would have to charge so much for them.
So, basically, I need ideas!!!!
So, I thought I would post on here to see if I could get any new suggestions. First, is there anything that I've posted on here that you think would sell on Etsy? I'm looking to make more stuff for my shop, but I'm just not quite sure what to do. Any suggestions would be great!
Also, if there's anything that you would like to see me make, let me know! I'm always up for a challenge. Any new ideas of something I could either crochet or sew? Is there a Cryptid that I haven't crocheted yet that I need to? I will be working on more Jackalopes. I even bought a wooden plaque so I could actually make a mounted one as well. But I would like to do something small, something that can be done quickly. I'm afraid that the bigger things wouldn't sell on Etsy because I would have to charge so much for them.
So, basically, I need ideas!!!!
A Messy Monday Morning.
I try and clean and organize, but it only lasts a day or two. I don't understand it. And yet, I will sit here and blog and take pictures of the mess of my apartment, and when I'm done, I'll continue crocheting instead of cleaning, like I should.
This week is my crafting week. I have set up shop here at my dining room table, and I plan on doing nothing but crafting. I plan on putting a lot of new things in my shop this week too. So, to start out my morning, I've already assembled yetis, made all but 1 arm, and now I'm continuing work on my husbands dragon for his Easter basket. I have moved my new yeti to the table this morning to keep me company as well. I'm thinking, Glee marathon as I continue working even more. :)

And today is the day you should check out for all the amazing yeti laptop sleeve you'll ever need.
As for me, I'm going back to crafting and starting my marathon. :)
This week is my crafting week. I have set up shop here at my dining room table, and I plan on doing nothing but crafting. I plan on putting a lot of new things in my shop this week too. So, to start out my morning, I've already assembled yetis, made all but 1 arm, and now I'm continuing work on my husbands dragon for his Easter basket. I have moved my new yeti to the table this morning to keep me company as well. I'm thinking, Glee marathon as I continue working even more. :)

And today is the day you should check out for all the amazing yeti laptop sleeve you'll ever need.
As for me, I'm going back to crafting and starting my marathon. :)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I got yet another personal message today on Craftster, and I will be featured tomorrow for my yeti laptop sleeve on Be sure to check it out!
I love that all my geekiness doesn't go to waste. :)
I love that all my geekiness doesn't go to waste. :)
Continuing on the wonderful weekend.
I had a friend over last night for a craft night. I love those nights. It's nice to just have someone over and craft for a while. We do completely different crafts, which is fun too. We get different perspectives on things that we're making, and it gives us different ideas.
All in all, it's a good sleeve to put my Mac in and just throw it in a tote bag with other things. I think that's why I love sleeves like that so much, it really saves on airports too! :)
Well, my idea, was to make a monster case for my new computer. I brought my hubby to Joann's to pick out fun fur. I have plenty of fleece, so I knew that part would be fine. After searching through the fun fur, I finally settled on something that reminded me only slightly of a golden retriever. I thought that I could somehow make it look like something other than that. ha.
So, after picking out this teal colored fleece, and the buttons for the eyes, it was very clear that I was making a yeti, not just any monster.
I apparently didn't do the best job of measuring, because after the fur had been sewn to the fleece, it was JUST going to fit. So, as I put it under the foot of my machine, my machine put the needle in once and then stared at me and said "screw you, you've got to be kidding me with this!" So, I had to hand sew the ends together. Not only did I have to hand sew it, I had to literally use pliers to pull the needle out. haha. I was praying that when I was done it would fit. So, after much difficulty and tearing my fingers up, not only does it fit, I LOVE it. :)
All in all, it's a good sleeve to put my Mac in and just throw it in a tote bag with other things. I think that's why I love sleeves like that so much, it really saves on airports too! :)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Excellent weekend...
Warning: There will be lots of pictures!
Not only did I get my MacBook this weekend, but today was like Christmas for me. I got my swap package from SpookyPooky.

This is my new yeti. I LOOOOOOVE him! Like I said, I seriously carried him around with me while I was cleaning today, and he's sitting on my lap right now. lol

As if those 2 things weren't awesome enough, I also got one of her pumpkin head dolls!! I have always admired them, and I'm so excited that I got one. The pictures don't even do all of this amazing stuff justice. Plus, these pumpkinhead dolls are soon going to be in Art Quarterly Magazine!

An amazing yeti message board. I know exactly where this will go in our kitchen. :)

Aside from all of that, I told her that I was upset because there were a few swaps that I couldn't participate in, that I really wanted to, one of which she is organizing, called The Creepy Cute Swap of Doom! So, what did she do? She put in an extra thing to make up for the fact that I couldn't be in the swap. This keyholder is amazing! We've actually already hung it up right by the front door. :)

Another swap that I couldn't make it into was the Coraline swap. So, she also put in a Coraline extra for me. I'm not sure what I'm going to use the box for just yet, but I know that I'll find the perfect thing for it.

Inside the box were some more amazing things. First was this awesome yeti ornament. Again, not a great picture because the camera

And another thing in the box, was a little tin with Nessie on it. Inside the tin were magnets. They're already up on the fridge. :)

And underneath those were some cards that I'm going to frame and hang up. I love them!

OMG. This is such a long post because of this amazing package!! haha
So, last, but CERTAINLY NOT least, was my exchange for the bride and groom yetis. It's a tote bag with a Cthulhu on it!! And, after checking, it fits my MacBook PERFECTLY. I have my new computer bag now. :)

Alexz, thank you so much again for EVERYTHING. I truly love it all. It was so great swapping with you and making a new friend in the process. :)
As I type this, I have my new yeti sitting on my lap. Seriously, I carried him around with me today while I cleaned and everything. I absolutely love him. As for the rest of the stuff, I will be putting it all in it's new homes after my hubby comes home and I show him everything in detail. :) I even cleared off the top of my desk for a lot of the stuff.
I was spoiled rotten by Alexz. I mean, really spoiled.
Plus, I'm super proud of myself because I actually uploaded all the pictures to my new computer all by myself today! I even figured out how to flip them and rotate them and stuff. It was pretty exciting. haha.
Ok, onto the pictures. :)
First up is the BigFoot cabinet. This might be my favorite thing. Of course in the middle of taking pictures, my camera died, so for now, all I have are pictures from my phone. The detail in this cabinet is just amazing.

This is my new yeti. I LOOOOOOVE him! Like I said, I seriously carried him around with me while I was cleaning today, and he's sitting on my lap right now. lol

As if those 2 things weren't awesome enough, I also got one of her pumpkin head dolls!! I have always admired them, and I'm so excited that I got one. The pictures don't even do all of this amazing stuff justice. Plus, these pumpkinhead dolls are soon going to be in Art Quarterly Magazine!

An amazing yeti message board. I know exactly where this will go in our kitchen. :)

Aside from all of that, I told her that I was upset because there were a few swaps that I couldn't participate in, that I really wanted to, one of which she is organizing, called The Creepy Cute Swap of Doom! So, what did she do? She put in an extra thing to make up for the fact that I couldn't be in the swap. This keyholder is amazing! We've actually already hung it up right by the front door. :)

Another swap that I couldn't make it into was the Coraline swap. So, she also put in a Coraline extra for me. I'm not sure what I'm going to use the box for just yet, but I know that I'll find the perfect thing for it.

Inside the box were some more amazing things. First was this awesome yeti ornament. Again, not a great picture because the camera

And another thing in the box, was a little tin with Nessie on it. Inside the tin were magnets. They're already up on the fridge. :)

And underneath those were some cards that I'm going to frame and hang up. I love them!

OMG. This is such a long post because of this amazing package!! haha
So, last, but CERTAINLY NOT least, was my exchange for the bride and groom yetis. It's a tote bag with a Cthulhu on it!! And, after checking, it fits my MacBook PERFECTLY. I have my new computer bag now. :)

Alexz, thank you so much again for EVERYTHING. I truly love it all. It was so great swapping with you and making a new friend in the process. :)
Friday, March 26, 2010
Today is the BIG day!
Today is the day I receive my MacBook. I couldn't sleep last night. Seriously. I'm that much of a nerd. I'm even up before 8 am, and I'm unemployed. There's no reason for that. And the worst part? When I get my package, I was told that I cannot open it! Seth has informed me that the day that a girl gets her first Mac, is a big day, and he wants to be here when I open it. UGH! That means that I will have to sit and stare at that box, with that simple little Apple logo on it, until he gets home. I'm praying that it comes before lunch so I can at least open it then. haha.
As far as crafting, I'm about to start on a project for my hubby. It's going to be something to go into his Easter basket. :) Then, I think I'll be off making more yetis to put in my Etsy shop!
Hope everyone has a great Friday!!
As far as crafting, I'm about to start on a project for my hubby. It's going to be something to go into his Easter basket. :) Then, I think I'll be off making more yetis to put in my Etsy shop!
Hope everyone has a great Friday!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
First Sale!!!!!!!
I can't even contain my excitement right now! I just made my very first sale on Etsy!! Someone is now the lucky owner of my little yeti. :)
I wasn't going to do this....
but I decided I had to. She already knows what she's getting, so it's ok to post pictures of them. :)
I finished these little guys last night, and I'm going to try and get them out in the mail this afternoon.
These are the wedding yetis! I made them for Alexz at . She's putting a shelf at her wedding for all of her Craftster friends to be there in spirit. She asked if I would make her a set of yetis. She did have a few requirements though. She requested that the groom be taller, purple and orange bouquet and boutenniere, and top hat and veil. So, this is what I've come up with. I really think these little guys are some of the cutest things I've ever made.
FYI there's tons of photos. ha.
I finished these little guys last night, and I'm going to try and get them out in the mail this afternoon.
These are the wedding yetis! I made them for Alexz at . She's putting a shelf at her wedding for all of her Craftster friends to be there in spirit. She asked if I would make her a set of yetis. She did have a few requirements though. She requested that the groom be taller, purple and orange bouquet and boutenniere, and top hat and veil. So, this is what I've come up with. I really think these little guys are some of the cutest things I've ever made.
FYI there's tons of photos. ha.
And I'm waiting very impatiently for TWO packages now. This isn't fun! haha
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
More projects!
So, I decided last night to start finishing the projects that I've started. So, here's a few of them. First of all, the jackalope. #1. I love this guy. haha. My husband suggested I make it using my basic bunny pattern that I made. I wasn't sure how to do the antlers, but my Dad gave me the idea of crocheting around pipecleaners. Now, this is not child friendly because of that. I still think I'm going to make some to sell on Etsy though. I think I might have to vamp the antlers a little bit, but I think I can make it work.
P.s. I used Mighty Mend-It to attach the antlers! ha.
So feel free to check out my store:
P.s. I used Mighty Mend-It to attach the antlers! ha.
Next is my newest creature up in my Etsy shop. Again, just finishing projects that I've started. haha. He is a little bigger than the other jellyfish. :)Another thing I'm adding to my Etsy. I got this idea a long time ago, and made a few keychains for some friends. I was impressed at how I can make them in maybe a total of 20 minutes, so I thought it would be a perfect item to put in my shop. I'm also giving the option to choose whether you would like them to be a brooch, hairclip or keychain.
So, I would like to introduce you to, my Pop Tarts. :)
So feel free to check out my store:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Happy Tuesday!
At least it is for me. I'm going to bore you people with some personal stuff from my life right now, aside from crafting.
First of all, we got a new building manager. I doubt I've gone into all the past details here, but let's just say, this is a blessing. We absolutely love our new apartment, it's a wonderful size, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the location, and now that we have everything unpacked and situated, it's become more of a home. I also felt like this was OUR apartment. When I moved to Montana, Seth already had his apartment. It was cute, quaint, but very small. And we didn't pick it out together, so I didn't feel like it was OURS. Our new apartment, is ours, officially. We picked it out together, fell in love with it together, and it's been a nice newlywed apartment. Or so we thought. Our building manager was nice, but never got anything done. He lives/lived below us, and next door was his son. When the manager would come to our apartment and say "The plumber will be up this afternoon", his son would appear later that day, lacking any sort of plumbing knowledge or experience. We went for 2 weeks without a working shower. We were so sick of everything and about to move out. Two weeks ago, when we paid rent, we put a nice little note stating everything that's wrong with our apartment, STILL:
1. Bathroom sink-our manager told us that we couldn't use it because it leaked into his apartment. So, after 3 months of being here, we still brush our teeth at the kitchen sink.
2. Tile in ceiling of bedroom is missing-manager told us he ordered it, when he showed us the apartment. We have yet to see this new tile.
3. Light in walk-in closet doesn't work-it's a very large walk-in closet, and it's just not fun to not have a light in there.
So, when we got our receipt put on our door from paying rent, there was a note attached. It said: Amy, I will be up Tuesday to fix the bathroom sink.
That was the last we heard of him. A few phone calls later, we find out we're under new management. Today, we have SERVICE VEHICLES in front of our building! We have professionals! There has been an actual plumber here all morning working on our sink, while I'm gladly refilling his coffee and feeding him sugar cookies, for the simple fact that he's a plumber. The feeling of knowing that things will be fixed, is just priceless.
Next exciting news! Seth and I have been talking over getting me a new computer. I feel that he's simply tired of my bitching about mine. haha! So, last week, we got our full refund from our security deposit on our previous apartment. That was a full $400! Seth decided to graciously hand it right over to me, to use towards my MacBook. The 1 stipulation was that I sell my computer before purchasing a new one. So, I talked to my dad about finding all the warranty information(of course I left all of that in Florida. haha). So what does he tell me? To check with him before selling it.
Onto my second half of this story. My mom has this sewing machine. Not just any sewing machine, but this amazing, unbelieveable, wonderful and professional embroidery machine. Seriously, it will do anything you ever need in your life. So, it can take things offline, and embroider them. Well, to do that, you need to hook it up to a computer.
Fast forward to yesterday.
After talking to both of my parents about all the details of my computer, they have decided to purchase it. So, guess what I went IMMEDIATELY online and purchased? My new MacBook. I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas.
I also went to the doctor yesterday. Without divulging all the gross details of my visit, it was a wonderful outcome, that really uplifted me. I was quite concerned for it too, although I kept my stress bottled inside, because Seth said he couldn't tell that I was upset at all. However, It really turned out great.
Today is my cleaning day. I had a slight issue with my pair of yeti's that I was making, but I believe that I can get the kink worked out. Why, oh why, must I run out of yarn in the middle of projects?! I shall fix all those issues, and hopefully finish those up completely tonight. I just have to make a few little flowers and a top hat. But I must clean first.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday. :)
First of all, we got a new building manager. I doubt I've gone into all the past details here, but let's just say, this is a blessing. We absolutely love our new apartment, it's a wonderful size, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the location, and now that we have everything unpacked and situated, it's become more of a home. I also felt like this was OUR apartment. When I moved to Montana, Seth already had his apartment. It was cute, quaint, but very small. And we didn't pick it out together, so I didn't feel like it was OURS. Our new apartment, is ours, officially. We picked it out together, fell in love with it together, and it's been a nice newlywed apartment. Or so we thought. Our building manager was nice, but never got anything done. He lives/lived below us, and next door was his son. When the manager would come to our apartment and say "The plumber will be up this afternoon", his son would appear later that day, lacking any sort of plumbing knowledge or experience. We went for 2 weeks without a working shower. We were so sick of everything and about to move out. Two weeks ago, when we paid rent, we put a nice little note stating everything that's wrong with our apartment, STILL:
1. Bathroom sink-our manager told us that we couldn't use it because it leaked into his apartment. So, after 3 months of being here, we still brush our teeth at the kitchen sink.
2. Tile in ceiling of bedroom is missing-manager told us he ordered it, when he showed us the apartment. We have yet to see this new tile.
3. Light in walk-in closet doesn't work-it's a very large walk-in closet, and it's just not fun to not have a light in there.
So, when we got our receipt put on our door from paying rent, there was a note attached. It said: Amy, I will be up Tuesday to fix the bathroom sink.
That was the last we heard of him. A few phone calls later, we find out we're under new management. Today, we have SERVICE VEHICLES in front of our building! We have professionals! There has been an actual plumber here all morning working on our sink, while I'm gladly refilling his coffee and feeding him sugar cookies, for the simple fact that he's a plumber. The feeling of knowing that things will be fixed, is just priceless.
Next exciting news! Seth and I have been talking over getting me a new computer. I feel that he's simply tired of my bitching about mine. haha! So, last week, we got our full refund from our security deposit on our previous apartment. That was a full $400! Seth decided to graciously hand it right over to me, to use towards my MacBook. The 1 stipulation was that I sell my computer before purchasing a new one. So, I talked to my dad about finding all the warranty information(of course I left all of that in Florida. haha). So what does he tell me? To check with him before selling it.
Onto my second half of this story. My mom has this sewing machine. Not just any sewing machine, but this amazing, unbelieveable, wonderful and professional embroidery machine. Seriously, it will do anything you ever need in your life. So, it can take things offline, and embroider them. Well, to do that, you need to hook it up to a computer.
Fast forward to yesterday.
After talking to both of my parents about all the details of my computer, they have decided to purchase it. So, guess what I went IMMEDIATELY online and purchased? My new MacBook. I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas.
I also went to the doctor yesterday. Without divulging all the gross details of my visit, it was a wonderful outcome, that really uplifted me. I was quite concerned for it too, although I kept my stress bottled inside, because Seth said he couldn't tell that I was upset at all. However, It really turned out great.
Today is my cleaning day. I had a slight issue with my pair of yeti's that I was making, but I believe that I can get the kink worked out. Why, oh why, must I run out of yarn in the middle of projects?! I shall fix all those issues, and hopefully finish those up completely tonight. I just have to make a few little flowers and a top hat. But I must clean first.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday. :)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Mini Jellyfish!
I've added my newest creature, my mini jellyfish, to my Etsy shop. I plan on making a lot more of these little guys from all my scrap yarn. Great destash, right?? Perhaps I'll sell a basket of jellyfish when I'm all done. haha

And, in other news, I'm almost done with my 2 yetis for my personal swap. I just have to make their headpiece, and then attempt to find some tulle for a veil. I'm thinking of maybe just cutting a scrap off of my crinoline from my wedding dress. I won't be wearing it again anyway. lol. And a top hat. I'm super excited to see them finished though!
And, in other news, I'm almost done with my 2 yetis for my personal swap. I just have to make their headpiece, and then attempt to find some tulle for a veil. I'm thinking of maybe just cutting a scrap off of my crinoline from my wedding dress. I won't be wearing it again anyway. lol. And a top hat. I'm super excited to see them finished though!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I'm starting to put my creatures up in my Etsy shop. First up is my yeti! I made one for myself, and another for Etsy. So, go check him out!

Now I have to do TWO MORE yetis for a personal swap. I don't mind one bit though, because they're super quick projects, and really fun. I'm making a set, one taller than the other, and they'll be a bride and a groom. :)
So now, I'm going to go work on that. After that, I'll be making more creatures to put in my Etsy shop. I think I'm going to make little jellyfishes to put in there too. :)
Now I have to do TWO MORE yetis for a personal swap. I don't mind one bit though, because they're super quick projects, and really fun. I'm making a set, one taller than the other, and they'll be a bride and a groom. :)
So now, I'm going to go work on that. After that, I'll be making more creatures to put in my Etsy shop. I think I'm going to make little jellyfishes to put in there too. :)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I'm back!!
So, I'm back from my litte trip. I had a wonderful time. I learned so much, and Donna helped me out with a lot. So, onto the photos!!
Night 1: After dinner, Donna and I set off on a pattern I had purchased earlier in the day. It was for a purse. I love it! I was hoarding this certain fabric, and I'm glad I waited to use it, because it definitely came in handy this weekend. It's so many outrageous colors, but I like how bright it is. I think it'll make a nice purse for Spring. :)
Things learned from project: pleating. Proper use of interfacing. How to properly read and use a pattern. How to insert a lining into a purse.

Day 2 was a big day. I decided I wanted to make a change purse to match my purse. I just wanted it to be something to hold my girly stuff. So, I created this! I didn't use a pattern at all.
Things learned from project: How to insert a zipper. This is where I began to perfect my lining of purses. :)

I also made a sewing machine cover that day. I just measured my machine, and then constructed it. I used leftover fabric from my ottoman.

And, Seth told me before I left that I was supposed to make him something. Not knowing what to make, I eventually decided on a zombie pillow. Almost all of it is fleece, except for the blood and the blue in the eyes, that's suede.
Things learned from project: Applique. You can use ANYTHING in the house to create a pattern. The eyes were traced from cups, and the middle of the eye was from a jar of paint. :)
He was loved by all. Seth loves him as well. I was very proud of him since he was my first applique project. :)

Next up that day-seriously I was sewing all day!- was a thread catcher. I've seen these on Craftster before, I've just never made one. I've also perfected my linings here as well. The pin cushion is filled with rice. I also made another one, but didn't get a picture of it. Donna requested one before I left, so I had to whip up another one. :)

I was running out of inspiration the next day. I was online for a while, just walking around, but I couldn't think of much else to do. So, as I was staring at my sewing machine, covered in it's new cover, I got my inspiration.
This is my first plushie, although it's so big, it's more of a pillow. I LOVE him. Seth thinks I should make more to sell on Etsy. He was a really quick project, but I do love him now. :)

After that, I was on a roll, and decided to make more of a set for my purse. So, I constructed a cell phone holder. This is where I learned how to make a button hole on my machine! It buttons conveniently around the handle, which is nice because the purse is huge, and I would very easily lose my phone in there.
So, I'm back from my litte trip. I had a wonderful time. I learned so much, and Donna helped me out with a lot. So, onto the photos!!
Night 1: After dinner, Donna and I set off on a pattern I had purchased earlier in the day. It was for a purse. I love it! I was hoarding this certain fabric, and I'm glad I waited to use it, because it definitely came in handy this weekend. It's so many outrageous colors, but I like how bright it is. I think it'll make a nice purse for Spring. :)
Things learned from project: pleating. Proper use of interfacing. How to properly read and use a pattern. How to insert a lining into a purse.
Day 2 was a big day. I decided I wanted to make a change purse to match my purse. I just wanted it to be something to hold my girly stuff. So, I created this! I didn't use a pattern at all.
Things learned from project: How to insert a zipper. This is where I began to perfect my lining of purses. :)
I also made a sewing machine cover that day. I just measured my machine, and then constructed it. I used leftover fabric from my ottoman.
And, Seth told me before I left that I was supposed to make him something. Not knowing what to make, I eventually decided on a zombie pillow. Almost all of it is fleece, except for the blood and the blue in the eyes, that's suede.
Things learned from project: Applique. You can use ANYTHING in the house to create a pattern. The eyes were traced from cups, and the middle of the eye was from a jar of paint. :)
He was loved by all. Seth loves him as well. I was very proud of him since he was my first applique project. :)
Next up that day-seriously I was sewing all day!- was a thread catcher. I've seen these on Craftster before, I've just never made one. I've also perfected my linings here as well. The pin cushion is filled with rice. I also made another one, but didn't get a picture of it. Donna requested one before I left, so I had to whip up another one. :)
I was running out of inspiration the next day. I was online for a while, just walking around, but I couldn't think of much else to do. So, as I was staring at my sewing machine, covered in it's new cover, I got my inspiration.
This is my first plushie, although it's so big, it's more of a pillow. I LOVE him. Seth thinks I should make more to sell on Etsy. He was a really quick project, but I do love him now. :)
After that, I was on a roll, and decided to make more of a set for my purse. So, I constructed a cell phone holder. This is where I learned how to make a button hole on my machine! It buttons conveniently around the handle, which is nice because the purse is huge, and I would very easily lose my phone in there.
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