Also, my Etsy shop is open again! AND, February 27th is my one year anniversary of my shop! Exciting, right?!
My holiday was wonderful. However, the traveling was NOT. I don't even want to go into all of the details of it, but I ended up in Denver, where I was never supposed to stop. However, Seth was there, which made it MUCH better. And then, we were stuck there for 2 days. We can definitely say that we're happy to be home.
We spent today unpacking, which reminded me of all of my awesome gifts. Here's a few of my favorites. :)
I mentioned to my Mom a long time ago that I really like this purse! And I got it! Definitely one of my new favorite purses!

Found here
And originally seen on Crafty Awesomeness. She totally gets credit for pointing it out on her blog. :)
Seth and I decided that we weren't going to give gifts because we spent a lot of money on tickets down to Florida. However, Seth actually surprised me (which was ok, because I surprised him too. ha!) and got me this! And he got me the pink one. :)

Found here.
This was another thing that I asked my parents for. I have had SO MUCH FUN with this camera! I can't wait to get all the pictures developed! It's a fisheye camera. It takes normal 35mm film so it'll be easy to be developed here.

Found here.
That's all I'm going to share for now. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and a wonderful new year!
I'm glad to be home, so I'm going to relax some more. Did anyone else have travel issues this holiday season?
I feel that I can never fly without issues. lol!