I got a great response on my last Etsy post. I really want to thank you all for commenting on my posts, and I truly do read every one of them!
First up, someone had mentioned in the blog the mass-produced stuff on Etsy. Of course, it's out there. I hate seeing things like that as well. I can only think though, that for every awful 'Made in China' mass produced store, there's a store that truly has handmade things for people. For anyone that has had a bad experience with Etsy or these mass produced stores, I'm so sorry. I just want everyone to know how great Etsy really can be!
And so, this is another Etsy favorites post!!!
These are some of my favorite items that I have purchased on Etsy, and a quick review of the items. :)
First up, my harmonica necklace.
I bought this for my Bob Dylan concert. Yes, this is a WORKING harmonica! Personally, I love this necklace! I wear it all the time.

Found from
this seller.These are my favorite earrings, EVER. I do love buying jewelry on Etsy! haha! These, however, are extra special. These earrings are mood earrings. Yes, they actually work and they do actually change color! They're AWESOME! I also have a ring and the pair of sprinkle earrings from the same seller. They're all SUPER awesome.

Found from
this seller.I found this seller through another blog I follow. They did a review of the products, and the scents just smelled so great that I had to try them out. I bought soap and lotion to begin with, and then later bought some lip balm. If you ever need a new and wonderful smell in your life, get this stuff! The sellers are SUPER awesome to work with. The soap here has a layer on one side of granules to exfoliate your skin. I'm not a soap girl at all, I've always preferred body wash, but this stuff is GREAT!

Found from
this seller.And, my very favorite thing I've ever bought on Etsy: our wedding rings.
Yes, we've all seen the wedding posts on Etsy, and we've always read blogs about Etsy weddings. Mine wasn't completely an Etsy wedding, but I found some great stuff, like my veil on Etsy. This, however, was a woman who went above and beyond to help us out.
When Seth and I were looking for wedding rings, we wanted something that would match the band around my engagement ring, but there was a problem, my ring is an antique. It makes the ring very endearing and just very vintage looking, but doesn't make for an easy time to order rings. We planned the wedding in a matter of weeks, so we didn't have much time to find rings, and it was our #1 priority. After searching online and NEVER finding a ring that matched my engagement ring, low and behold, Etsy had the PERFECT ring. I will now go into the detail of how amazing this seller is about going WAY above and beyond for us.
For starters, I knew my ring size, but Seth didn't know his. Yes, we could have very easily gone to a jewelry store, but the seller insisted that for $1 she would send me a sizer. It got here quickly enough to measure his finger and then send off our sizes to the seller. We wanted mine to be just a plain band, and we wanted Seth's to be the same ring, just thicker. She told us that she could just solder a few rings together for Seth to make it wider.
We ordered our rings with a couple weeks to the wedding, and very scared that the rings wouldn't come in time because they were coming from Canada and we all know how international shipping can be! But, with only days left until we left for Vegas, the little envelope showed up in the mail.
This seller worked so well with me, and to just set things aside to help out a nervous bride, she was amazing. She let me know of everything that was going on in every step of making our rings.

Found from
this seller.Dealing with these sellers has inspired me on Etsy. They have set an example of how to provide wonderful service and products to their customers. The woman who helped me with our rings has probably been my biggest influence. I believe that bending over backwards for a customer is the perfect way to do things. She provided me with a quality, custom item, and did it all in rush order, all for an INCREDIBLY reasonable price.
These are the people that keep me coming back to Etsy. And I hope that you all have wonderful experiences like that too that keep you going back to Etsy. If you ever lose faith in it, I just ask that you search a little harder. You will find that perfect seller to help you out. :)
And, I did promise that I would buy an item from someone that didn't have any sales. Want to know what I bought?! It was the bat!

I love him! I think I'm going to put him in my office. And the bat isn't available anymore, but don't worry, because the seller has some awesome stuff in her shop! Check it out
here!EDIT: Check out
this wonderful shop! Yes, I have ordered from them before. They make these ADORABLE cup cozies, and their newest Valentine ones (which are SUPER cute!) are on sale and all proceeds are going to The American Red Cross to help out the tsunami victims in Japan.
Etsy, you need more sellers like this, the ones that keep the rest of us going and inspired! These are the people that *I* would want to buy from. Don't you agree?