I just had to jump on here really quick to show my epic mail day, yet again. I promise I will be back later this week to show more work. I'm currently working on a personal swap and I'm making Shaun, from Shaun of the Dead. It might be one of my most detailed ami's to date, but he's been so much fun to work on, and so cute so far!!
So, epic package #1. I was recently in the Tim Burton swap. I received my package today, and I was not disappointed! I haven't found a place for everything just yet, but I will!
Here's everything all together.

I got some Wonka candy as some extras, a Tim Burton locket, hair clips with Edward Scissorhands and Johnny Depp and Tim Burton, and some earrings, a happy/mad Jack plush, and the most epic thing I think I've ever received from a swap before, a Sweeney Todd needlepunch. This thing is HUGE. The frame is 14 inches, and I'm showing it with my hand for a size comparison. I really love this thing so much!

And next, I got a couple packages from Alexz. I can't post pictures of one of the things, because it's a gift for someone, but I can post all of the other wonderful stuff!!
First, a Bob Dylan plush! I love him so much, and he's been sitting in my lap all day!

And, a Cthulhu plush! This guy is tiny too, he's so cute!!

A mad hatter plush based off of the new Alice in Wonderland!! He's also tiny, and came with his own little chair. He's already made a nice home on top of my desk. :)

I've told Alexz that she needs to get a better camera or something, because whenever she posts photos they all look amazing, but when you see them in person, they're so much better!
This is a metal hanging, and it's already hanging in my kitchen with some pictures on it. So cute!

A chalk board!! This is also already hanging up. lol

ANNNDDD....last, but CERTAINLY not least, a whole little kitchen set of Halloween!!

So, all in all, it was a wonderful day really. Getting mail is so much fun, and that poor postman has to put up with me all the time. lol.
I will hopefully be back very soon with some of my completed work. I'm very excited to show it all off!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!