In addition to that, I just made another thing that I can't mention for certain reasons, and I sent it off today to go to his new home. I'm hoping to post pictures of that very soon.
Plans for this week include making a Little Miss Stubborn for my niece for her 10th birthday! And, making a giant rocket ship for my nephew's bedroom. My goal this week to finish both of those and to really focus.
However, this is what I can post. haha. Tonight Meat Loaf is performing in Snoqualmie, Washington, and Alexz is there, along with this little guy. In return, you should check this out! She made me an AMAZING Bob Dylan in return, and I can't wait to get him and squeeze him!!
But anyway, here is Meat Loaf. :)

I'm also going to work on getting some new things up in the shop this week. I made 2 new Jackalopes, they're brown instead of white. I had a request for those a long time ago from my father-in-law, so I'm glad to finally have those done. :)
ANNNNNNND-my big news.....I GOT MY DREAM GLUE GUN TODAY!! My Michael's was having a 4 hour sale where it was 25% off of your entire purchase, and I had a coupon for 40% off of any regular price item. I'm SOOOOO excited about it. Yes, I'm that big of a nerd. lol.
And I was wondering, does anyone out there have any advice on international shipping? To be honest, I've never done it before, and I'm not sure how to go about it, and how cheap you can really go. I got a convo the other day on Etsy from a girl wanting to know if I ship to Australia. I can, I just wish I could find a better price than $10. :( Any advice will help me tons!! Thanks!!
Only a crafter would have a dream glue gun :D
And I know nothing about international shipping, sorry :(
What are you trying to ship? Can you mail it in a manila envelope? I mailed earrings to Scotland and it costed me 3 dollars. Make your own box and make it as small as you possibly can (you basically want no wiggle room other than padding) and take it to the post office and ask them how much it'll cost. Can you mail in two pieces? Use the words mail instead of ship.
Thanks so much guys!!
The boxes I use for my stuff are really small, about 4x4x6, so they're tiny. I went to the and they said that the cheapest was $10. Maybe I can take it to the post office and see first. I would have to add shipping to the price on my Etsy, so I might have to go ask them first. :)
Thanks for the advice!!
The Meat Loaf is pretty amazing. If he was life-size and had ruddy cheeks, I think I'd be fooled.
I also got that Michael's coupon, but I totally forgot about it!
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