First and foremost, a HUGE hello to all my new followers! It's great to have you here. I hope you enjoy my blog.
I'm looking at changing up my blog a little bit too, maybe focus a little more on my every day life, and still include crafts, but just put in other things about my life.
I will start with all of the exciting stuff going on with me this week! First, I got a call back yesterday afternoon for the job that I REALLY wanted...and guess what?! I GOT THE JOB! I'm super excited and I start Monday. I'm really hoping I can balance a work life and a craft life at the same time. I know that plenty of other people do, so I have faith. :)
And, because I got a job, one big bonus is that I get to go clothes shopping! haha. I love shopping. But, I'm not a huge fan of shopping for clothes. I have tried on way too many ill-fitting clothes, and I just don't like it. But want to know what I LOVE shopping for? Shoes. They're a bit of a weakness of mine. lol.
After shopping around today, I found these:

I found them at Payless and fell in love. They're also SUPER comfortable.
And, in addition to that, I thought I would do a little pay it forward while I was there. Of course Payless always has a buy one, get one 50% off. So, I got these:

here. There's a lot more information there, and you should definitely check it out.
Basically, when you buy a pair, they donate a pair to a child in need!
They're only $20, but if you buy another pair, then of course they're only $10. :)
And now, down to today. I was running a hwole bunch of errands, because of course I'm in two swaps right now. So, I went and ran errands. I wanted to find a book, so I went to Hastings. When I was leaving, the entire sidewalk was nothing but ice. Solid, unsalted, ice. So, my right leg completely left from under me, and I caught myself with my right arm. I immediately felt a pain in my elbow. Eventually, I had to call Seth and have him take me to the urgent care center. So now, I have a fractured elbow. Seriously, my arm is KILLING me. The doctor gave me a sling and told me basically to just put ice on it and take ibuprofen for the swelling.
So, the next few days I will be just pretty much hanging out and relaxing. I'm hoping that my arm will feel better very soon.
I hope everyone is having a better week than myself! haha