Here's the deal. Along with the amazing Spooky Pooky Creations, we have our epic giveaway getting started right now.
Here's the goods!

This giveaway is for TONS of stuff! And of course, all with a wonderful, wintery yeti theme.
1. mini amigurumi yeti made by me!
2. adult yeti hat made by me!
3. yeti tote bag, key holder and ornament set all with the famous Spooky Pooky yeti!
4. mini yeti mounted head
5. big plush yeti made by Spooky Pooky!
We've been planning this giveaway for quite some time, and we're so glad to finally get it all going! This is an epic set, so I hope everyone signs up!
For each entry, please include your email so we can get ahold of you if you win.
There are 5 ways to enter the giveaway and you can be entered more than once! Here is how:
1. Follow both of our blogs and leave a comment that you are a new follower. If you already are followers, leave a comment suggesting what our next giveaway theme should be.
2. Leave a comment stating your favorite item in both of our shops or something else you would like to see in the stores.
3. Follow both our Facebook pages and let us know you are new. Again, if you are already Facebook followers leave a comment suggesting what our next giveaway theme should be.
4. Buy an item from either of our stores. Please list in the comment what you purchased.
5. Post about our giveaway on your blog, website, or Facebook, and/or leave our button on your page and show us the link of where you posted it with a comment.:)
You may leave all your comments here on this announcement, but remember, in order to be entered you must follow both blogs and Facebook pages, not just one or the other.
Giveaway will end on 2/21/11!
And, here's the button for you!

Good luck everyone!
Follower of both.
I think your next giveaway should be...
Squid Themed.
Fave Items:
Spooky Pooky: Yeti
Mad Crafter: Jackalope
Liked Both on FB.
I hope that gives me a good chance at your giveaway! Thanks for giving us all a chance at such an amazing, generous prize!
When does the giveaway end?
So I already follow you both on here so your next giveaway should include zombies. :)
I posted to my facebook! Because I am awesome.
I am a follower of both! And I really don't know how you can top your yetis... Hmmmm... Maybe something zombie themed?
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I follow your blogs and YES YES YES Zombie themed!!!
Thanks for the giveaway the YETIS are cuuuuute
I put your button on my blog!
I'm a new follower to both blogs. Ran into you on Craftster, because your Yeti was way too awesome to not love, lol. Made me wish I was skilled enough to have thought of making it first xD
lpjalejandro at gmail dot com
Store wise, it's hard to pick one from your store. I have a Dr Who obsessed friend that would love that sonic screwdriver though, that's for sure. With Spooky's it is really hard to choose between the normal Yeti and Bigfoot, both are too adorable!
lpjalejandro at gmail dot com
I also liked you both on Facebook! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with next so I can be jealous even more haha.
lpjalejandro at gmail dot com
Is this open internationally or just the US? This may change if I qualify (I'm from Canada).
Follower of both :)
I think your next giveaway should be Zombie themed - or Zombie/Bunny
chrystal.mclean (at)
I love the Yeti's!!! I'm a follower of both.
love your yeti theme.
i'm following both blogs, but don't have fb account.
yes, i agree with everyone else about zombeeeeeeeez being next up ;-D
vvb32 at
Wow - just cruised over here from Craftster. I love your blog! Definitely going in my Google Reader (even if there wasn't a contest)!
Following Spooky Pooky's blog also! Too much cuteness! So cool!
Follow both blogs as old followers. A bunny themed giveaway would be cool!
Follow both Facebook pages as old follower. Bunny theme!
Love the brown jackalope on round plaque from Amy's shop and Alex's yeti plush!
Giveaway button on my blog sidebar:
Just "Liked" both of ya on Facebook!
I now stalk both blogs AND both facebooks! (And I already stalk the crap out of you both on craftster!)
angelicalinguini at hotmail dot com
Because I all ready love everything in your shops, I want y'all to make a ninja or a robot. Oh! A Ninja yeti would be super cool. How you'll do it, I have no clue, but it would be awesome. How about a yeti with a black jumpsuit and eyemask?
amy i love all your minis and spooky pooky i love the thread organizer you made... a jewelry box with your art on it would be awesome!
i now follow both your blogs! :)
oh and i put a link on my facebook :)!/rebecca.ludvick
I'm a facebook follower of both (old follower) after seeing you both on Craftster. :) I'd LOVE for the next giveaway to be Nessie-themed. Or zombies. Or squid. Or Bigfoot. Or Cthulhu. I have a hard time making decisions. :)
I'm now a blog follower, too! Yay! I stand by my earlier indecision about what the next giveaway should be. :)
My favorite items? Do I have to pick one? :P SP: All stuffies. So cute, cuddly, and creepy. Zombie and regular Yeti are the favorites, though. MC: Mounted heads. Also adorably creepy. Yeti and Cthulhu are my picks. I'd LOVE to see either of you put out Nessie stuff. *swoon* I was also thinking that you guys would make AWESOME Jersey Devils and Mothmen. :)
I follow both of you and I'm thinking the next giveaway should be some be water animal related, like the kraken.
My favorite item in Amy's shop is the dino! Or the mounted jackalope. Both of those, for sure.
My favorite item in alexzcreations is the Bigfoot Zombie plush!
I follow both on FB now and am also thinking that maybe prehistoric animals are a good idea too! Mastodons and megalodons (I have no idea how to spell that and spell checker doesn't either). Things of that nature!
And last but not least....a blog post!
Thanks for doing this guys!
Follow you both on facebook :)
I would love to see a hedgehog theme lol
follow both blogs :)
I would also like to see a zombies theme :)
I like our little blue dino from etsy
I like the plush yeti from spooky's etsy :)
You know I follow you both! Gnomes should be the next giveaway!
OMG how did I not post a comment yet?!?! I follow both your blogs of course and along with everyone, I think a zombie theme would be awesome...St. Pat's day is coming so it'd be pretty sweet to have a Zombie Leprechaun!!
New follower of your blog...but follower on Facebook.
Your next theme should be...pandas. Or turtles. Or zombies.
I'm a new follower of both of your blogs (found you through Craftster) :)! Looking forward to find your updates in my feed already ;).
Another new follower from craftster here. Immediately added y'all to my feed.
My favorite items from the shops are:
The pumpkinhead
The Bigfoot Zombie Plush!
I just found Spooky Pooky's blog and was almost instantly diverted to your's! Y'alls' yeti giveaway makes me so giddy! If you do another, please do Octopi! ...or Zombies. I'm a totally eat up Zombies! Hehe!
And my fave item in your shop is absolutely the zombie head, followed closely by the blue dino!
hi i've been a follower for a while now on here and facebook great giveaway
anything harry potter themed for the next giveaway
hi again forgot to say your giveaway button is now on my blog
I left a button on my semi-new, progressing blog
I am a follower of both blogs and new to both, but definitely know you guys from around Craftster.
In your store: I love the green scarf. I am kind of bias though because I LOVE green.
In her store: The standard winter yeti (White/Blue). I admit I am not into the whole zombie craze and her standard zombie reminds me of the Expedition:Everest yeti in the gift shop. :D Not the same design of course but the colors and cuteness.
I am a new follower to both your blogs, as sneakybea.
My favorite item in your shop is the Nosferatu head, and the plush Bigfoot in Spooky Pooky's.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
beax0002 (at) umn (dot) edu
I have long stalked you on craftster and i am superpsyched that I can follow you on here now too! just signed up to follow you and spooky pooky creations. on here and FB. I am currently lusting over the Zombie Yeti on mad crafter etsy, and definitely the jackalope on spooky pooky'! too cute.
I hope this thing is open to the UK. we need more cute cryptids over here!! Nessie needs some company...
Next theme should be 'less loved cryptids' like chupacabra. He gets such bad press, but his name sounds like a lollipop, so how bad can he be!?
Thanks for bringing fuffy cuteness to the interwebs.
rebecca_j_hall37 [AT] hotmail [DOT] co [DOT] uk
I'm a new follower of both blogs :]
tashabearr [at] gmail [dot] com
I am already an avid follower of spooky pooky and have become a newly interested follower of the mad crafter!
My favorite item from the Mad Crafter is the medium sized dino and from Spooky Pooky is the Zombie Yeti plush! They are too cute!
I am a new follower of The Mad Crafter on FB and an already avid follower of Spooky Pooky on FB!
Posted giveaway on my facebook page at
Posted button on my blog at
Thanks so much for the giveaway you have no idea how long I have been waiting for one from y'all. I'm really, really, really hoping I win because I want these awesome prizes so badly!
i now follow both!
my favorite things are spookypooky's bigfoots and your ninjas mounted head
all are soooo cute!
Follower of Spooky Pooky Creations.
New follower of The Mad crafter.
Favorite items in Etsy shops-Pocket Yeti and Bigfoot Zombie.
Facebook follower of Spooky Pooky Creations. New follower to The Mad Crafter.
Post about giveaway on my blog.
1.I believe I do follow you both.
2. Mad hatter - Sonic Screw Driver
Spooky - Ummm All 4 of them.
3. I follow both Fb's. Brain a bit fried. Everything you guys make is cute!
4. Can't afford at the moment.
5. Shared on FB.
followed both facebook pages, and linked this giveaway AND tagged both facebook pages on my facebook profile here
I LOVE the amigurumi sheep
And I'm following both blogs :)
Sorry, that last post from Diana is mine. I can never figure out how to log in to this blogger thing.
and I almost forgot my email address is martin.diana05[at]gmail[dot]com
My favorite from Spooky Pooky is the Yeti Plush and my favorite from Mad Crafter is the Gentleman Yeti Head!
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