Here's the very end of my 30 day blog challenge! I must admit, this was fun. However, is there anything else you would like to know about me? Personal or crafting related or anything else? Feel free to ask in the comments and I'll dedicate a whole other post to answer those questions! I'm an open book and I don't mind sharing. Sometimes I feel like I don't share much about ME on here, just mostly my crafts. So, if there's anything you want to know, ask away! :)
26 If you could go to Disney World with any celebrity alive today, who would it be?
Oh. This is a tough one! I think it would have to be Matt Smith. #1, because I'm madly in love with him, and #2 because I would love to talk about Doctor Who for a full day. :)

27 Post one confession/secret
After thinking about this for a while, I'll confess: I am INCREDIBLY insecure about my work and most things in general. In my day to day life I'm not a perfectionist at all, but when it comes to my crafts, I'm so hard on myself. I over analyze and if someone leaves me feedback or emails me and says something like "Thanks so much for the _____" I always think, "OMG! THEY MUST HATE IT!!" It's so silly, but it's true. I'm way too hard on myself when it comes to my crafting. :)
28 Mountain hideaway or beach house?
Mountain hideaway all the way! I would love to live on the side of a mountain, with an amazing view of the whole scenery around. I would absolutely love a log cabin. :)
29 What is on your mouse pad?
Oh no! I don't have a mouse pad!! Seth does, and it's Star Trek, does that count? LOL!
30 Hugs or Kisses?
I really love them both, but there's nothing better than getting a really great hug after a crappy day. Isn't that the best feeling? :)
Thanks so much if you've followed along with this challenge! I know I slacked off and posted many days at a time (like this post*OOPS!*) but it was fun, and I hope you learned some new things about me. And again, ask any questions that you might have and I'll dedicate an entire post to it! :)