Q: 8. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? A: Well, this kind of all depends. For example, what kind of bear? A grizzly, no. But a black bear I just might be able to take! But of the two, probably a swarm of bees. Why? Because this looks pretty cool. :)
I learned to crochet years and years ago from an Aunt. I quickly dropped it afterwards. About 2 years ago I moved from Florida to Montana and I decided to pick it up again after a wonderful care package from my mother of a "Learn to Crochet" kit. I've been addicted ever since! When I'm not crocheting I'm probably knitting or sewing. I occasionaly break these habits to be with my husband. But most of the time, I'm crocheting. :)
I think it would depend on whether or not you're allergic to bees. If I wasn't allergic, I wouldn't care if I was attacked! heheh...
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